
Designed for the most demanding industrial applications even under harsh conditions.
Micrometer precision depth measurement
Ideal for applications where accuracy is key

Process monitoring in Manufacturing

apiCUBE’s precise measurements enable the automation of complex manufacturing process, production line inspection and quality assurance.

Process monitoring in Manufacturing - Photonicses
Bin Picking Robotics - Photonicsens-

Bin picking

Enables robots to detect, identify, and locate a wide variety of objects in a production chain, improving the speed, and reducing the uncertainties inherent in processes for manufacturing and logistics industries

Autonomous navigation

apiCUBE’s enhanced object recognition capabilities enables collision avoidance for autonomous robot navigation.

Autonomous Navigation - Photonicsens
Hands free AR UI control - Photonicsens

Hands free AR UI control

Telematic assistance is a reality thanks to AR applications and the use of depth measurements.


A cutting edge technology to achieve the most accurate results