Single lens 3D camera to accurately judge tridimensional distances, relative positions and dimensions with high precision

  • Customizable resolution and frame rate
  • Simultaneous 2D & 3D mapping
  • Captures full point cloud

Sub-millimeter accuracy at close range

Precise and accurate recognition of every detail in a six-axis pose from a single point of view an in a single shot

Increases the speed of alignment and inspection processes, and eliminates the need of extra support instruments

FAST: Significant reduction of cycle time

Simplicity: No additional cameras nor equipment for 3D measuring is required

Customizable: Compatible with several optical systems

Compact: It fits in your current system


Product Specifications

For integration in manufacturing processes and in robot-arm mounted operations

Working Distance
100 mm
Depth Range
6 mm
Temporal Precision
±2 um
Spatial Precision
< 25 um
Power Supply
Power Consumption
Operating Temperature Range
4ºC to 70ºC