Bridging Visionary Advancements: The Integration Journey of apiCAM with HALCON


In the fast-paced realm of industrial vision applications, the demand for efficient solutions is crucial. The integration of photonicSENS’ apiCAM with HALCON, a robust vision software developed by MVTec, offers a powerful and efficient method for the rapid development of machine vision applications leveraging the performance and efficiency of the simultaneous 2D and 3D data from the compact, single-lens apiCAM, and marks another milestone in our journey of innovation.


Unlocking Industrial Impact with apiCAM Sensor Data

Our apiCAM sensor, equipped with a Software Development Kit (SDK), provides essential raw data frames for depth calculation and visual scene interpretation. While open-source libraries serve well in academic projects, the industrial sector requires solutions prioritizing ease of implementation, speed, and long-term compatibility that the Halcon end-to-end solution offers for all machine vision tasks.


apiCAM Meets HALCON: Harnessing Visionary Advantages

HALCON, MVTec’s vision software, with its intuitive Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and top-notch vision libraries, seamlessly integrates with apiCAM. This bridge yields several advantages:

  1. Direct Image and Depth Acquisition: HALCON library acquires images and depth directly from our apiCAM, saving time and computational costs by eliminating format conversions and data exports.
  2. Seamless Integration of SDK Parameters: Accessing apiCAM SDK parameters from HALCON allows users to adjust settings seamlessly based on application requirements.
  3. Effortless Scripting: HALCON simplifies the coding process for programming scripts, making tasks like 3D reconstruction easier.
  4. Secure Scripting: Encrypting scripts with apiCAM SDK parameters enhances security, ensuring that only authorized users can access and modify them.
  5. Quick Demos and Visualisation: Conducting rapid demonstrations and visualizing real results become remarkably easy and fast with HALCON, providing a user-friendly experience.


Future Endeavors

The successful integration of apiCAM with HALCON marks a significant leap forward in the world of industrial 3D vision applications and a cost-effective and efficient method to bring new applications to market. photonicSENS looks forward to proprietary 3D Vision Software Interface development, integration of deep learning and artificial intelligence, and potential ventures into the metaverse. The journey doesn’t end here; it evolves into new and exciting possibilities.

As we await the official certification announcement, the industrial sector can anticipate a seamless and enhanced user experience in 3D vision application development.

For further information, inquiries, or to stay updated on photonicSENS’ upcoming ventures, please contact [email protected].

Stay tuned for the next chapter in the evolution of 3D vision technology.


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